garrett admits he is dumb, page-88

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Smiler says:

    "Only a government of sound economic ability can go close to guaranteeing Australians of sufficient services such as medical, education, security, policing, transport, etc."

    I'd like to refute that hilarious, spurious and
    pompous assertion on several grounds.

    The Liberals didn't cause the minerals boom
    that's responsible for much of our recent
    prosperity - they simply stuck their big
    tax snouts into it and sucked in huge
    great gobs of filthy lucre from it.

    Having sucked in billions and billions more
    than Treasury forecasts, like the Disney
    character Scrouge MacDuck, Howard put
    the cash into his bank vault and ran his
    fingers through it gleefully day after day while
    patting himself on the back as the World's
    Greatest Money Manager.

    Meanwhile, out where the real people live
    far from the pampered green lawns of
    Kirribilli House and Parliament House
    where Howard had the walls of his private
    dining room and private jet coverered
    with hideously expensive imported silk

    ... service deprivation was rife.

    Why? Service deprivation is Howard's
    punishment for Aussie citizens having
    voted Labor in state/territory elections.

    As punishment, Howard would *not*
    part with any of his ill-gotten loot for
    badly-needed upgrades in basic state
    and territory public services until the
    Labor state and territory governments
    ageeed to hand their constitutional
    powers over to Howard so Howard
    could get the pomp and glory for
    services upgrades - not Labor
    Premiers and Chief Ministers.

    Howard is a very sick and twisted little
    chappy with a hugely overblown idea
    of how important he is to the nation.

    Howard is also a very spiteful little chappy.
    His ministers dare not stand up to him
    for fear of totalitarian retrubition.

    Tony Abbott is the most worshipful of
    Howard's fawning ministers and Howard
    treats Abbott with the aristocratic scorn
    that such a grovelling flunky deserves.

    A tiny example of Abbott's
    self-abnegation to enhance
    his master's PR image:

    Abbott was due to shine at a Press
    Club health debate in Canberra
    but Howard needed Abbott as
    as silent store dummy and set
    dressing while Howard hogged
    the media limelight during a
    Howard launch of a health
    announcement - so Abbott
    did as he was told and
    became a silent store
    dummy and was made
    to look like a total
    goose when he
    turned up late
    for the big
    Press Club

    But that's not the worst of Abbott's
    spineless store-dummy faults.

    Because Howard hates the Doctors Union
    (the AMA) Abbott is under instructions
    from Howard *not* to negotiate a long
    overdue compromise on reducing the
    'gap' between Medicare's scheduled
    fees (for a range of medical services)
    and what Howard's AWA-inspired
    idea about what doctors *should*
    get to maintain their practices.

    So what has been happening out in the
    real world as a result of 11 years
    of cruel and incompetent Liberal
    mismanagement and misrule?

    Joe and Mary Average have a son
    Billy Average. Billy gets stung by
    a wasp and his partents want
    the swelling checked out.

    But first they check the family
    finances but as Joe is on an
    AWA, family finances are
    in a terrible way.

    Big family dilemma!

    Do they take Billy to their
    local GP and have to fork out
    $50 for a consultation, get
    a receipt and then drive to
    a Medicare office, pay
    parking fees and then
    stand in line to get
    Tony Abbot's $25
    idea of what a
    GP is worth?

    OR do they take Billy to their local
    hospital and wait several hours to
    have Billy checked out FOR FREE
    in an Emergency Department that
    has been so spitefully deprived
    of proper funding by John Howard
    that in a nearby toilet a woman
    is having a misarriage alone
    and unattended because the
    citizens of NSW had the
    collosal cheek to vote
    for a Labor state govenment
    and therefore needed to be
    punished by John Howard while
    his store-dummy Heath Minister
    sits by and twiddles his fingers!

    There is something incredibly sick
    and twisted about the Howard
    government and no amount
    of razzle-dazzle PR hype
    can cure Power Disease.
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