replacing competents with incompetents, page-12

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    slanted think my friend -

    polls do NOT (supposedly) support anyone! What are you talking about?? And there have been some TV polls whcib are overwhemingly, percentage wise, FOR the Liberals. They don't get much publicity though. Wonder why!! All we get to ehar about are the doom and gloomers! Which may well be right. How would I know.

    The polling companies supossedly do not support anyone, But one wonders!. They CAN ask some very skewed questions to extract the answers they want!
    Not saying they do - but it happens!!

    Bolt - well - I saw him really getting stuck into Howard a few weeks back in print over some issue. Unlike some, he doesn't write or report by ;earnt rote to a set agenda - and he's not afraid to attack wherever it is needed. And to speak his mind. And to tell some home truths the others scruplously avoid because its not in THEIR interests!

    See Bolt's recent "piece" from last Friday illustrating very articulately and in great detail in point form his arguments as to why (and we're not told this by the leftied) the Coalition of the Willing IS actually winning in Iraq! And improving the place. And there is no civil war as we;re led to believe. Something the Left are careful not to address or acknowledge!!

    As I'm not in Sydney I can't comment on Alan Jones or Ackerman. But at least if they are of the Right then media scene isn't completely bereft of those who are too afraid, or too biased with their agendas, to scrutinise ALL politicians - whatever the brand!
    without fear or favor.
    No. most of them smile and look the other way with one lot - and put the boots into the other lot - steel tippedl boots at that!!

    The brainwashed media mob and sycophants - they're just reciting the Mantra~ same old same old lefty chardonnay set.

    And enforcing those b++++y slogans!!

    Which the Labor Party now have off really pat. Gillard was at it again today. I am sure she's am answering machine!~! Does she ever speak in spontanous fashion?? No!
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