18 italians dead in iraq - what a shame!, page-104

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 481
    re: littletee...18 italians dead in iraq - what a This thread was started by the ASSINATION of Italian peace keepers in IRAQ. I am not the one too judge whether they should have been there or not, but I am one to judge crimes against innocent people trying to create harmony in a lawless society.

    The persons who decided their lives were worth less than a world wide headline are thankfully no longer on this planet.

    Is there enough innocent lives left that we can sacrifice for these UNGODLY heathens to finally blow themselves up and let the world exist in peace. I for one hope so and am quite prepared to resurrect my arms to stop them....

    I am Italian. I was born in 1937 in the north of Italy in a town called Trieste. My memorys of childhood are of hunger, fear and death. I have seen things in my chilhood street that would make a lot of agnostic men bow and pray. I have not prayed since 1942. Why you may ask.

    I watched the Catholic church turn away starving people whilst they opened their door to invading Nazi troops. Why did a 5 year olds church do this to him. Why did the same church that christened this child decide that a pagan criminal was worthy whilst I and my family existed by the hour...

    Why did my father arm himself, why did my father turn his armed hand against his holiest of beliefs. Why did a 30 year devote catholic put a bullet into his own Priest chest, Why did this man make his children watch him commit the ultimate crime?

    Did my father teach me justice by commiting the most inhumane crime, or did he teach me the most sacred of religious rites?

    My father died in 1945 along with my younger brother. They were partaking in a favourite pass time of ours at the time, throwing rocks at the US tanks that patrolled our town. On this fateful day, the tank we chose was not manned by US servicemen, the gunner was a an Australian. I have always assumed that the man was new to my birth town, he did not understand that people throwing rocks could not harm a tank.

    For reasons that only he knows he decide to destory this enemy, and that he did. My father and younger brother died instantly, I survived either due to fate or love, my father fell on top of me. I still carry 8 pieces of lead with me to this day.

    After living through wartime occupation of my childhood, I believe that people have the right to exist without any religious stigma. People who impose religion on any other, this includes Muslims. Jews, Catholics, Protestants and any other religion are the evil that exist on this planet today. All those who preach religion are the first that should suffer their own punishment, then maybee the world will can live in harmony.

    In witnessing my father commit the ultimate sin against his God, I have learnt that no man on earth represents any God and any Man who portrays a God is that Gods worst enemy and has no place amongst civilized Mankind....

    Religion is the evil thorn in mankinds future.....

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