Green Nazis, page-27

  1. 4,015 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 22
    Hi Scarpa

    Nice rant. But no cigar. If you believed what you posted you would put Greens first not last.

    Funny how the mantra that Australia could not compete on manufacturing in the past was the trade unions and high wages. It was always BS but apologists like you swallowed it with the resultant death of the trade unions and workers not been a pay increase any where the inflation rate for 40 years. And in this period our manufacturing industry has bled to death.
    Now that the high wage mantra has been put to bed you are looking for a new whipping boy. It is the Greens because they say we should be able to manufacture and look after our planet. And you are saying that the two are mutually exclusive? What a lot of nonsense. Victoria has gone from the cheapest electricity in the world to one of the most expensive not because of any shortages. Ever since Kenneth sold the State Electricity Commission for a pittance, prices have been deregulated and we are paying through the nose. And also, you should remember that there are electricity prices and then there are electricity prices. People in the South East of Victoria pay 30% more than the inner cities. And what small manufacturing bases we have are either in the south east or north.
    So before you rant about electricity costs, why don't you look at the issues? Why is driving prices up? Why is it that companies don't want to invest in coal?

    Black outs in South Australia were not caused by renewables. Why are you still trotting out that garbage?

    You are not a denailist or believer. But you have looked at the economics and have come to the conclusion that the Greens are the cause of the loss of the manufacturing industry.
    You tell me then if you have looked at the economics, why we can't produce steel.
    Our Iron ore is mined in Australia. It goes all the way to China. (By the way, used to be all the way to Japan remember?). It gets value added in China. It comes back to Australia with a hefty mark up.
    Our Iron ore. Our Gas we can use for energy. Our land we should be using for cheap rent (forgotten about the rents and how they have sky rocketed haven't you?)
    And once you have finished your analysis of that, then maybe you can explain how the Greens are responsible for the export of all of our professional jobs to places like India, The Phillipines, Vietnam. Where do you think most tax returns are done now days? Or Architects? Or Legals? Not to mention our call centres.

    And whilst you are at it, how much is China investing into renewables? Any idea? Didn't think so.
    Lets just put out the BS mantra that reducing carbon emission is exporting jobs.

    Lets just put out the BS that investing in new coal mines is cheaper than investing in renewables. And then you will argue that the subsidies that we have to give to these mines like GST concessions are not subsidies.

    Before you ask China and India to play ball, go back and see what the Kyoto agreement said. You may be embarrased by your question.

    And I love it how people who deny climate change are at the same time against refugee intake like to argue the facts.
    For refugee intake we are one of the highest on a per capita basis. When it comes to carbon emission we like to argue as a whole country. See the hypocrisy?

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