two views oncerning climate change, page-6

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Denman says:

    "Are greenhousers simply believing that climate should
    be constant and any change can only mean
    humanity is sinfully responsible?"

    No. Climate scientists have evidence that digging up
    carbon desposited when dinosaurs roamed the earth
    and bunring it has increased the probabilty (as we've
    cleared much of the world's forests) of a return to
    a violent dinosaur-era climate - but mercifully
    minus huge carniverous dinosaurs!

    The worst part of what is going to happen
    (unless we work like crazy to reduce our
    output of CO2) is not meaner droughts
    and meaner cyclones, it's an ever
    accelerating rate of ice-cap and
    glacial meltdowns as the area
    of heat-reflecting white
    diminishes and the area
    of heat-absobring dark
    colours creates an
    even faster rise
    in global temps
    than even the
    most gung-ho
    scientists had

    If you're standing in a paddock being
    charged by a carzy bull, that is not
    the time to use your pocket
    calcuator to evaluate the
    best fence to run towards
    (the closer uphill fence
    of the further-away
    downhill fence) and
    phone a fence advisor
    on your mobile for a
    chat about fence

    If you're standing in a paddock being
    charged by a crazy bull, pick any
    fence and RUN LIKE HELL and
    hope you can jump over it
    before the bull gores
    you in the backside.

    This not the time for twee middle-class
    discussions about does climate
    change really exist - or is it
    a plot by pinko-scum
    radicals who hate

    Just about all climate scientists have evidence
    that backs up the therory that it does exist
    and it was mostly caused by humans
    and that if we dramtically reduce
    our rate of CO2 emissions we may
    eventually be able to stop
    the crazy bull before he
    gores our only habitat
    into a state not fit
    for human life
    as we know it.

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