Oprah's Cringe-worthy speech is a scary reality we're now facing, page-43

  1. 92 Posts.
    Alot of what you say is 100% correct. Except the parts about Trump winning being a good thing for anyone. We know he is a ego driven nut and he is clueless. Obama (whom i thoroughly dislike) won two terms, 8 years mate. That dont make it a victory for anyone but him and his honchos. Was it a victory for the heartland? (tell me what the heartland is by all means). As much i as admire your neo-nazi passions you need to simmer down and worry more about issues that affect you, not imaginary race wars that feel like a star wars battle. Fear leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. Yoda told us this.

    Look inside your life. How is your pay packet and those of whom you care about? Do you have a good internet connection? Is your Energy bill high? What about your happiness levels, do you feel content, what makes you feel fulfilled? Ask yourself some adult questions and try and improve your life and the lives around you. Forget all the nonsense.
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