john howard has done a fantastic job, page-7

  1. 14,931 Posts.
    They have done a wonderful Job, they have put Australia first before other nations problems on every occassion. Which is what our elected representatives are suppossed to do. For the good of Australians, Australia's interests must come first.

    Refugees aren't our problem. They don't elect members of our parliament, they don't pay taxes, and they don't belong or contribute to this society, and in fact cost us money and resources and should be grateful we even take an interest in them, as their own countries do not. They shouldn't be on our list of high priorities.

    They haven't ignored Global Warming. They have only ignored left wing rantings of the problem. There is no use in ratifying the Kyoto treaty unless everyone particpates.
    The Liberals have clean coal and carbon strategies in place, and are willing to go nuclear which is a problem solver in its own right. The other parties wish to bury their heads in the sand and not go nuclear...and solve the problem by riding bicycles everywhere and washing once a year.

    Working hard by establishing Work Choices. Giving the people choices in work. An excellent and intelligent move that shows the Liberals are governing our country with financial skill and foresight, to create new jobs, decreasing unemployment, keeping the country competitive, as we need to compete with the rest of the world, otherwise we will go under and become a banana republic.

    Invasion of Iraq. Saddam Hussein was a nasty dictator, and had to go. Gives our Army something to do, and very good on the job training for our soldiers so they can keep up their skills to protect this country against anyone who thinks we are easy pushovers.

    Entered Afghanistan only after September 11. Nasty People out there. Same comment as relating to Iraq.

    The Americans are our allies, why shouldn't we be friendly with them. All you left loonies make it sound like America is a dirty word. Hornets are not obsolete. They do the job well and Spending $7billion on them shows how hard the Liberals are working on the security of Australia. Ps John Howard didn't need to inform anyone, he is our elected representative and matters of National Security are up to him and him alone, and shouldn't be blurted out in the public arena. He did the right thing keeping quiet about such matters.

    John Howard didn't Lie about Interest Rates. That's only Labor propaganda. Interest rates have never been lower than anytime under Labor. Labor are useless economic managers and concern themselves with things that rarely benefit Australians....if you think interest rates are haven't seen anything if Labor regains control.

    Didn't lie about Tampa to get elected. These refugees did throw their children overboard. These kinds of foreigners treat their children as slaves, sell them into prostitution etc etc, so throwing them overboard wasn't a big thing for them.

    Another lie by the Labor propaganda machine. John Howard said he would introduced the GST, and even went into an election telling people he would. He was upfront about it, and it has been good for the country.

    Aboriginals have always been well looked after, but the problem is that there are just some people you just can't help because they don't wish to help themselves. I think the Aboriginals are very lucky that we founfd them first, because if China, or some Muslim country had discovered Australia first the Aboriginals would have become extinct a long long time ago.

    I love this man and I give him credit for all the wonderful things he has done for this country because I am a grateful man who knows when he is on a good thing. Come on Australia...give him another chance and show these would be if they could be's, ear wax eating pretenders, a message that they will have to work a lot harder and smarter before they can be given the chance and priveledge to govern this great country of ours.

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