taliban winning in afghanistan, page-30

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Dear Erinys,

    It's not my job to straighen out
    Al Queda or the Taliban.

    My job is to straighten me out
    by trying to live in accord
    with self-evident spirtual
    laws common to all faiths.

    What you do about your
    misdeeds is up to you.

    What John Howard does
    about his misdeeds
    is up to him.

    What the Iraqis do about
    the Sunni-Shia civil war
    if up to the Iraqis.

    Likewise what the Afghans
    do about the Taliban is
    up to the Afghans.

    But bloodless rergime changes
    are possible. In the Philippines
    Cory Aquino and People Power
    overthrew the grossly corrupt
    right-wing Marcos regime.

    In Poland, Solidarity overthrew
    a totalitarian left-wing
    dictatorship without

    Australia has gained 95 % of the
    liberation America gained via
    a blood-soaked revolution
    against British rule by
    patient negotiaton
    over many years.

    I'm rather proud of that.

    I'm also proud that when
    Western Australia refused
    to join the Federation we
    did not send an 'Army
    of the Molonglo' across
    the Nullaror to teach
    the rebels to bow to
    Cenrtalised Power
    that caused a big
    Civil War like the
    US suffered.

    Instead we sent an envoy
    bearing a very big gift!

    If WA joined the federation, the
    Commonwealth (at its cost)
    would build a railway
    across the Nullabor
    as a tangible experssion
    of East-West unity.

    A second WA referendum was
    held (during which the WA
    goverment supported a
    Yes vote) and the rest
    is history:

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