Our deposits of copper and cobalt with todays marketprice are worth:
Our copper depots more than >500'000t
3.5 Billion$ = 500'000t * 7'000/t
Our cobalt reserves more than > 50'000t
3.85 Billion$ = 50'000t * 77'000/t
Total we/tgs have deposits of more than 7.35 bn USD ($) in our drc-grounds!!!
If we now would say that just 10% of that would be a net profit (worst case).. we have a market capitalisation of 750mn minus 210mn debts..
Equals a selling price for tgs of 540mn (normal market price) and also the half of that would be worth a sell of around 270mn for our tgs!!!
With such copper and cobalt prices rising further a good operation would save a yearly net profit margin after tax of more than 30% after all costs! So in the end buying tgs for just ~270mn is more than cheap!!!