Short Term Trading Week Starting: 22 Jan, page-343

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 227
    Just a note on GSW. My trading platform allows me to see what other people (they're de-identified) on that platform are holding and trading. I often go through various portfolios of those with the highest performance looking for blue chips I can invest in via my super fund, and I've found that a very, very large number of them have a single stock that's dominant in their portfolio, usually 60-80% of their entire portfolio. The most common I see are BIG, A2M and GSW.

    Definitely not knocking the stocks. They all had that run into glory and it's understandable that they are common stocks held, but 3/4 of your portfolio? It was crazy they didn't/don't take at least half of their profits off the table and find the next runner, or better still, if you're an investor, find a good income stock. Some of these people even had over half of their portfolio in one of the three stocks above with the rest evenly split across all specs that we're all trading here. Amazing.
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