>>>>>jews of india>>>>, page-2

  1. 831 Posts.
    The most racist and sychophantic charcteristic of Jews is the desperate need to connect with people that demonstrate a capacity for power and wealth and prosperity.

    It was in 1949 then in 1952 that Indian jewry from Cochin in the southern state of kerela were rejected by the Rabbinate in Israel demanding they perform all sorts of tricks to prove their Jewish ancestry. These people were Jews with purer origins and tradition that the Russian and Polish and other defiled European mongrels that infested the state of Israel and coninue to this day a policy of discrimination and hatred.

    India is of course the course of the tribes you call Jews. it is from here that many of the tries of the Middle east and Europe originate from although with Europe there was a integration and assimilation and cross breeding with the people of the Caucus regions we well.

    Names like Abel and Khan (or cohen or Cowan or Kriwan in their European forms) have their origins in the Indian sub continent which recognised the exitence of a God and the hereafter long before the jews discoevred everything.

    You may go forward ad espouse all of your bankrupt theories but one thing remains you will not get the Indians to connect with you unless there is a bob in it for them. They are better at having it both ways and taught the craft to your ancestors.

    Jesus Christ is believed to have visited India during the years inthe 'wilderness'. It was there that he learned Samathi ( the highest form of physical Yoga which teaches practitioners to hold ther breadth and to calm their pulse and heart beat to near zero whilst still allowing the blood to pump, thereby feigning death) and exercised it on the cross and in the cave he was entombed in to fulfill the prophesy of rising on the third day from the dead.

    It is not necessary the west or any Jew believe it. India and all of its mysteries have remained intact for thousands of years before 'Jewish' civilization (if you can call it that). That includes the many faceted forms of prayer and worship. what you find there is not Judaism but a variation of an ancient culturer you idiots.

    India today dominates the US landscape in intellect, education, science, finance and the arts. It now has an indelible stamp on the age of information and dominates the same.

    Even the old school of Jewish bankers have taken them right to the inner sanctum of Jewish banking at places like Goldman Sachs and others whichr efused entry to 'Goys' and 'schwartzs'.

    Today when jews are facing their high noon, gridlocked by the Arabs for their menace and their history of bloodl;etting against people considered less they reach out to a nation of 1 billion whom they denegraded for oevr half a century.

    Kissinger and his ilk caused the deaths of many many Indians inthe Bangladesh wars and in other operaitons of his and his cliques' making in the sub continent.

    The plight of the tamils in Sri Lanka were nurtured by Israel acting as a proxy for the USA where their citizens and countrymen dominated and continue to dominate the political landscape.

    You enter India to make cultural connections and convenient relations you will end up the second hand humans of the world you have always been. The Brahmins consider you unclean and unworth quite rightly so. Just like you consider everyone else to be below you.

    Jewsih tribes in India?? you believe in the Aryan invasion theory as well?

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