Ah 9olives
anyone who admires olives is a friend of mine!
But who am I to judge how others behave, you say. Well, I'm a parent, a school teacher, a neighbour, a friend to many, and more pertinently, a social media ametuer columist, all of which require moral judgements at times. More times than you would ever like to admit. Why? For the simple reason that apart from all those hats that we wear, and more fundamentally, we are all human, the only creature on earth who can make moral judgments, unless of course you believe that the lion is wrong when it eats the deer, or the shark is morally wrong when it eats a person. No, of course you don't disagree, you only seem to do so when your moral relativity - the scourge of moderinism - corrupts that part of humanity that makes us human.
It's like the similiar position these days that there are no objective truths, well, apart from that one. You see the problem?
But where to begin in this quagmire of post-moderinist thought besides laying out some of the presuppositions as in the above?
Well, in fact, we can pick up the trail where you left off, and agree that there is a plague of misplaced judgementalism, but let me assure you, it's coming from that school of moderinsim that says there is too much judging! Yes, it's not the old right doing it all, they are just sticking to their old truths, for good or for worse. No, its the modernists, who preach that there is too much judging, and you see, the obvious problem arises. Less philosophically, they are constantly telling you that there should be a law for this and a law for that. I have acutely observed this in family, friends, and colleaugues, who share your censorship concerns on the onehand, while pontificating with the other about how the world should be.
Anyway, lets not turn this into a lecture on the ills of this world anymore than is necessary, so I'll conclude with where we begun. Who I am to judge how peolpe behave? I'm someone who has the forsight and underpinning knowledge of how morality can be improved at least in one very tiny way, by a desire to disable the REPLY function on someone who is on ignore. That way the constant judgementalism of these so-called trolls or abusers of free speech, can be a contained a little more humanly.