BIG 0.00% $2.22 burrendong minerals limited

Ann: Shareholder Update, page-152

Currently unlisted. Proposed listing date: 31 JANUARY 2025 12:00 PM AEDT ##
  1. 177 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 21
    I'm not coming here making factually incorrect statements with the sole intention of putting fear in people who don't have knowledge of the stock.

    If someone is going to make such statements, damn right I will call them out!

    BIG is in the business of producing video content for SME's, and they are the best in the market at it!

    Those SME's can then go and put those videos on their Facebook, their Youtube channels their website and whatever they want to do.

    Saying that BIG can't compete with "eyeballs" on youtube and facebook isn't just misleading, it's wrong.

    Hence the go at GC8.

    PS. I am home. Been here since November 2015.. Not going anywhere
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