Is Private Sector Unemployment 30% ?, page-4

  1. 10,437 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 142
    Thank you for the extra information Infose. I'm not seeking to bag the Turnbull government in its quest to lift the confidence of the private sector employers which it is doing very well.

    I do question most poltical parties in Australia whose policies insist on all the unemployed be forced to look for work which does not exist. There needs to be a better way to match the skills , health and personality of unemployed with each new job becoming available.

    You stated "The total number of l long term unemployed was in 2017 around 170,200" which would mean all these people would have a nil chance of getting any of the new jobs being offered yet they would be required to.visit job network provider appointments, fill out forms and visit Centrelink office every week to ensure they continue to receive a financial benefit to pay for rent and food. 170,200 plus the other unemployed who might have a better chance are also required to submit resumes to several times a month X 12 and employers have to endure their email inboxes to be full of emails from unsuitable and unwanted applications. The number of unwanted nuisance emails and calls must add up into the millions you must agree. Government pay $miilion to Employment Plus to pretend to be able to assist their allocated numbers to find work when it is just a waste of time and effort.

    I'd suggest most of the new jobs would have gone to those who already had a job elsewhere and decided to apply for an advertised job but obviously this information is unavailable.

    Imo both ALP and LNP need to start thinking smarter about the human rights of an unemployable person in this country by not forcing them to engage in futile and degrading job hunting activities to make it appear they are being assisted when at least for the long term unemployed is would be a TOTAL waste of effort.

    Turnbull is a smart cookie i know and far smarter than Tony Abbott ever was with his poor grasp of mathematics at the 2013 election where he promised no cuts and lower deficit while lowering taxes which he broke once elected and became a lier and unelectable.

    Malcolm Turnbull is the best we may ever have because the tax cuts his government is proposing are mythical, because when they cut the tax rate it results in more business activity which raises more taxes for States & Federal governments. Tax cuts are a fake incentive for business people to think they going to have more money left after tax when the reverse is the case.

    The LNP are very clever in the execution of knowing how to deceive their own supporters into paying more taxes overall because no one can operate a business in any state without paying lots of taxes such as Council taxes, land taxes, stamp duties purchases , payroll taxes as a penalty for employing too many people, gst, permit and inspection fees, fire levies, licence fees and the list goes on.

    State taxes must be paid even if businesses make a loss and don't pay federal taxes. The more business activity increases the more people get employed and the less welfare is paid therefore saving the treasury multi billions if it works out well. Giving employers confidence to keep staff longer and employ more comes about by giving employers more incentives otherwise if they become depressed, they start reducing staff and welfare bill goes up and govt collects less tax from those ex workers. It's all in the maths.

    People like Pauline Hanson worry too much about the final profit companies which might not pay tax or worry about the tax cuts which LNP offer as a to give incentive to employers don't you think ?

    The ALP plays the good Politicians role of saying everyone should get more and how bad are employers eh but even when voters recycle these liers into government what do they do? They help their mates with all manner of contracts and how did Kevin Rudd wife become a multimillionaire ? ALP created these jobs provider networks eh to help unemployed get work. How many jobs did they find the unemployed? Very few . Why Because there are not many old jobs left... The skills require much smart people than even myself to fill those new jobs yet 2 million people are required to look for jobs which don't exist wasting everyone time and effort.

    Something better needs to be offered in dealing with the higher than 5.4% unemployed as explained by Roy Morgan Research figures showing true unemployment as 19.4% .

    One of reasons for asking experts like you was to attempt to find out the real private sector unemployment rate which I'll try workout later.

    Any further information you or other readers can provide would be most appreciated.
    Last edited by Gillysrooms: 12/02/18
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