@67shelby I feel like you take the Twitter bagging too far and give people far too much credit for price action. I use Twitter and so do many others who also use Hot Copper. The one thing I see a lot of on Twitter is disagreement about which direction stocks will move. I don't see this collusion you speak of and I'm sure we read many of the same people. I don't see buying groups and no one has ever asked me to join their buying group despite people being very friendly to me. Sure a couple have told me of their favourite stocks here and there and their reasons why but no more, if not perhaps a lot less than on Hot Copper.
I don't know if you have given this any consideration, but if you mention your opinion that Twitter is full of boiler room crooks every time Twitter is mentioned, it's kind of insulting to the many many Twitter traders who are not crooks or part of boiler rooms. People shouldn't be discussed like second class citizens because they use Twitter. If a few on Twitter choose to do it about HC users, so be it. Mirroring their behaviour isn't really taking a stand or a step forward, nor is throwing all Twitter users in the same bag.
Many of us use both HC and Twitter. That's ok. And we want to be able to mention it sometimes and keep the conversation on track without it derailing into another boiler room accusation zone. I hope we get to that point soon.