Germans Once again pull apart a Tesla, page-8

  1. 12,421 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 483
    This is where we disagree.

    Take every car on the road & replace its kWh consumption from petrol/oil/ diesel to electric.
    (easier calculation to see the consumption of fuel in Aust) & this has to be replaced in some form.

    The power has to come from some where.

    If you were to put the expected kWh met by ICE engines onto the current electrical system it would fold..Its crapping its pants now.

    Most peoples car are where during the day? In a car park not at home. How are they all going to charge at home at night. Telsa batteries, how do you meet peak demand in the afternoon if car are sucking the supply.

    Whilst EV's a 5/8's of a bees dick of total vehicles its not an issue.

    Nuclear is cheaper than all forms & clearer & 24/7 and is the only tech we have available (right now)

    Ev's are just pushing the CO2 to the power station.

    Solar & wind cannot meet the demand. SA has proven this time & time again. The battery is being charged from SE Qld Tarong (dirty coal fired power station). Don't see the greenies complaining about that as it is keeping the lights on.

    Technology is a long way from where we think we are.

    (fusion reactor recently created more power than it consumed (finally)/ Thorium reactors starting to get traction/ Nuclear "wave' buring tech is being funded by Bill Gates --- but none of them are here & now)

    Elon will LOVE us to convert to EV's because of the disruption & chaos it will create with him having the solution for a problem we didn't have.

    How much CO2 does an electric car actually save in its life time, along with the networks required to be built to charge the masses.

    Have to laugh at my mates Tesla, has a program to seek out an unattended charging station, to bad it its not on your desired route or you have to park 2 burbs away. None of this is a problem if you are a CEO & have your own dedicated charging station though in your underground car park(as we would all like to have), multiply that by 18M cars in Aust & we have a few large scale problems (that seem inconsequential in the ramp up period).

    Batteries are the issue - 1000+ range & 5 to 10 min recharge then we need the network to supply.

    Tech will improve the situation. We are not there yet
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