Stolen Wages generations, page-62

  1. 10,423 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    You blokes should read Warren Mundine's book "Black & White" is a very good insight into the Aboriginal culture through the 30's to the 70's...what really happened, why and how.

    Many Aboriginal menfolk did work on properties as stockmen and farm workers, and yes they often did get paid little or possibly not at all in some cases. But most felt they were contributing and had a life with meaning instead of wandering around seeking out witchetty grubs and lizards.

    What took place is not our fault, not yours and not mine...that was the world that was, that was early Australia and early settlers. I don't feel I should be paying for something that took place fifty or a hundred years ago. That is history, good or bad and we cannot change it.
    Just as we cannot bring back those men both white and black that gave their lives fighting for this country and the freedoms we now have.

    These people that are intent on bringing up the past and claiming they were hard done by need to quit the navel gazing and seriously consider where they are now, what they have, and start to look forward instead of backward!
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