NXR 0.00% 2.0¢ nemex resources limited

How are the software upgrades going for Prudue..?, page-11

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  1. 1,212 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Once again, non disclosure agreements are in place. I dare say that the NXR alliance founders, now directors of WBT, are working their butts off to further our interests. Just because they are not allowed to tell you so, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening! I am sure there is a truckload of mess to sort out that was left behind from the last board. It would be like cleaning up after a Christmas St Kilda street party. Once there is news, good or bad, I am sure it will be released. In fact it has to be released. Just remember, LGS, Red and Crikey are on our side. They are the good guys.....
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