Jury duty, page-20

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    watso does not mind jury duty - and has performed the task 3 times.

    sadly, watso started to have a tendency to toss most of his mail out, and just keep an eye out for accounts that needed to be paid (and watso even failed at that) - and totally missed jury duty, missed the subsequent fines and probably only discovered the error of his ways when he went to pay his 5 yearly drivers license.

    too long ago to recall the details, but that must have been the time, when regular as clockwork, watso would get a phone call from someone, who wanted to confirm that it was watso on the phone - ie give personal details - but they would not reveal who they were - so watso told them to get lost ... turns out they were the debt collectors, attempting to collect a debt on behalf of the government... in the end, watso paid the fine direct to the state government.

    one time that watso was called up for jury duty, there was a BIGGGGGGGGGGGG case pending - forget which one, but it would have been one or two months (was laurie connell ever before the courts??? - maybe not him) - anyway, watso hoping to get onto that jury.... heh heh was working for the commonwealth government at the time - so would have collected full pay for fulfilling his civic duty, as well as collecting some petty cash from the court .

    watso vaguely recalls two of the cases - and naturally they were as guilty as hell - watso also once drew the short straw to be the jury foreman - so when he was asked by the magistrate (or whoever) for the jury decision - watso had to say "we found the lying b@#*^@$d guilty.

    mmm and seriously, there was some young dumb blonde who was on one jury - and she would have been a few sheep short in the top paddock - and she argued for innocence

    at least the lunch that was served to the jury, as the dumb blonde was brought around to the correct line of thinking - well the lunch was good .. indeed, most likely all lunches were good.

    sadly watso was never on a case which meant some overnight deliberation - just a matter of finding some small time thief/burglar guilty - and get home in time to watch home and away
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