Putin’s Ultimatum is the Next Stage of the War, page-48

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    Cui Bono
    Theres also this ...
    West launches massive campaign to kick ‘inconvenient’ Russia out of UN Security Council – Senator

    Published time: 14 Mar, 2018 18:53 Edited time: 15 Mar, 2018 08:50
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    Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya votes during a meeting of the UN Security Council. © Brendan McDermid / Reuters

    The West has launched a large-scale campaign to remove Russia from the UN Security Council (UNSC), Senator Sergey Kalashnikov said, commenting on the UK's accusations against Moscow over the poisoning of Sergei Skripal.

    “The West has launched a massive operation in order to kick Russia out of the UN Security Council,” Kalashnikov said, as cited by RIA Novosti. “Russia is now a very inconvenient player for the Western nations and this explains all the recent attacks on our country.”

    The Senator believes that in order to curb Russia’s membership there is going to be an attempt to reform the principal UN body tasked with the maintenance of international peace and security. The Russian Federal Council member reminded that the USSR, to which Russia is the legal successor, has been an integral part of the UNSC since its establishment in 1946. ... "

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