The pause that was and then was not!, page-53

  1. 15,445 Posts.
    you said​

    That was written in 2010. A glance at the data (RATPAC or RSS) says that the statement is technically correct - but it’s truly disappointing to see someone from NOAA falling into the trap of discussing the lack of a significant trend over a time period too short for the trend to emerge from the noise. Whoever wrote it really should have consulted a statistician.​

    You castigate me for my use of data that all the major climate bodies have used and acknowledged that the stratosphere cooling is not happening (or drastically reduced)​

    And I highlight to you the limited dataset you are using. For that I copped another round of ad hom and other attacks from yourself and mjp​

    You and mjp are happy to use 20 years of data to incorrectly push a point in my opinion that is not supported by NOAA, IPCC etc​

    I NOW provide you with further evidence of support from NOAA, IPCC etc etc to my assertion that the stratosphere is not cooling as the IPCC and other would love it to and you respond how disappointed you are that NOAA fell for the trap of using limited data.

    FMD. you are unbelievable.​

    Does this rant by you seem familiar​

    Seriously I am warranted in cooling you a hypocrite here Tristanc. Yes I am disappointed in you​
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