what a great success the cia has been, page-6

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts.
    fg...you really are a disgraceful pr!ck.

    I would bet a $1000 you have never ever in your life done a single thing that you were either not paid to do, forced to do by Mommy or Daddy or to get laid.

    Nothing...absolutely nothing relating to say civic duty, national pride or altruism has ever, ever gotten you to lift a finger.

    You value nothing but the dollar, your next meal and who you can convince to give you a free ride.

    You owe this country - if you are in fact in this country - a debt - a debt you have no intention of either recognising or ever paying.

    You are a consumer............and a pr!ck who eschews the values of the nation. Who places no value on our history, our alliances or our heritage.

    You take delight in denigrating the spirit and the memory of Australian sons and daughters who died in service of this country

    ...you piss on their graves.

    And you do it all....all

    ....in the solitude and anonynimity of your keyboard.

    If you had the balls at least to demonstrate and wave your placard....at least then, I could respect that aspect of your idealism

    But you do nothing but tap away at your keyboard....insulting everything that makes Australia what it is.

    You're a waste of space.
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