Trump destroying the soul of America, page-41

  1. 15,012 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 137
    Australia has the same self serving Public Service network . They are connected to the Labor Party and are a closed shop. Only difference now is the US has someone to expose them now . Given 2 terms Trump will have his work cut out draining from the swamp.
    I have seen cards handed around amongst the inner circle of networking officials. Its a club and in that club favours are the order of the day. The ABC would have to be a shining example of how that network works. No doubt big business has their own network and are just as corrupt but dont do their dirty work on the public teat.
    The massive corrupt socialist network of Public Service grows each year and like all criminal organisations they are parasitic attaching to the host nation then sucking the life out of it.
    Anti - Trump posters here either cannot see what Trumps up against or are part of the corruption and fear Trump will spoil their show. I heard union officials here in Australia say " Trump will destroy the world ". Yes I hope they are right because its their world he will destroy.
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