Analysis: Here's how to deal with the barbaric Syrian regime, page-19

  1. 2,562 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 103
    The Mods did nothing because my comment was not anti semitic, but, it was anti war monger and anti
    war profiteer. Do you know that the Rothschilds have financed both sides of every war for the past 250
    years. It's how they get control of countries. Nathan Mayer Rothschild financed the British in the
    American war of independence. He wanted to bankrupt America so they would come to him for financial
    help. Get countries into massive debt and then they are beholden to you. That's their motto.
    David Rockefeller, another slimebag, said once, ''The side that wins a war is the one with the most money''
    That money usually comes from a Rothschild. Wake up and see what's going on.
    The Rothschilds own half of the world's money,$ 230 trillion, and they will get the other half even if it means murdering most of the population of the Earth. I don't care if they're Jews or Protestants or Zen Buddhists, I would
    still feel the same way.
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