GMV 0.00% 3.9¢ g medical innovations holdings limited

GMV Chart, page-1284

  1. 682 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 972
    Hi guy's, just been doing abit of reading and came across this:

    Which market looks the best? I see you’ve got a joint venture in China?

    Alan, on a couple of occasions we said the two most important markets for us is the US and China. But eventually we are not avoiding any market that will be interested in it and we are signing agreements in other countries. But China, yes, we have a joint venture with a Chinese fund, government Chinese money. We own 70% of the joint venture, they own 30%. We are expecting CFDA clearance sometime around end of March-April, then we can start our sales in China. In China we have very large agreements.

    It would be an early xmas present if the CFDA clearence did come in the next 2 weeks. Day's like today are like getting whipped verrrrrry slowly. Its also a chance to top up with some more at these prices, but I'm pretty welled pegged with 300,000 and just waiting for this company to blast off.

    I also agree with glyco with the big boy's pushing down the price. They won't be doing this when GMV is sitting at $1.50 plus.

    Hears hoping tomorrow will be a better trading day but this is one stock that I feel completely comfortable even when is does get pushed lower.

    Best of luck,
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Currently unlisted public company.

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