tiger snake bite ... effects of ..., page-7

  1. 7,761 Posts.
    Good question,

    I guess it depends where you are and whether you will even be able to contact emergency services. So many areas where you ride those bikes are too remote for telecommunications towers - or the hills hide the coverage.

    We've had helicopters rescue dirt bike riders who have fallen down cliffs on the edge of the road or tracks - quite often the police helicopter will do the rescue and a medically equipped helicopter is waiting to take the patient to hospital. Make sure your ambulance cover is up to date as well.

    The other thing to consider is whether the hospitals nearby have antivenene. It usually has a limited use by time so is expensive for hospitals to stock. I remember once doing a ring around to find out if any hospitals nearby had antivenene in stock and was told "No - because it doesn't stay viable for long". However - the local vets quite often do have viable antivenene as they are often treating cats, dogs and horses that get bitten during the summer. Whether that antivenene can be used for humans I'm not actually sure about, but I often imagined if I was bitten that I would ask the ambo to deviate via the local vet to pick up a supply on the way. lol.

    Also - one thing to note is that even WITH antivenene the whole experience isn't going to be a picnic.

    Just a few words of caution to make you aware of the risks you take. I imagine you couldn't easily keep your body still whilst riding your bike back to safety - particularly your arms.

    Perhaps the best thing to do is wear suitable protective gear which may offer some restriction to the snake bite. That would be prudent anyway if you are doing endurance rides or dirt bike riding. I believe tigers have much smaller fangs and may not be able to penetrate too deeply with a quick bite. I can't remember the fang size of blacks - but it might be something you could follow up.

    Hope that helps. I'm not an expert so perhaps you should speak to a qualified snake adviser. ;-)


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