NTL 0.00% 1.6¢ new talisman gold mines limited

Someone wants in, page-8

  1. 658 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 133
    Yeah Unfortunately the queue at 1.5 is a little bit long for me, so I topped up at 1.6c. I cannot believe people are not seeing this share's potential. No issues with environmental impact, 93-98% recovery without carcinogenic chemicals, No 3rd Party required in the refining process, according to the last announcement. When full production starts on this one, ( and I cant see it being too far off , I anticipate the pre-amble to be in the 3rd quarter to be honest) as they have proved concept and have the green light to build a startup processing plant and now have cut out a great deal of prospective 3rd party costs , how good does this story have to get? I have been accumulating small parcels as and when I have had some money come available since 2008, I still haven't got to 1Mil shares yet but I am more that 3/4 way there. $1.30 a share will make me a millionaire ... here is to dreaming.
    I'm quietly confident because A2Milk is 10x that and was also under the radar for a long time. This is obviously my opinion and should not form part of your investment strategy DYOR.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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