The Truth About Vaccines, page-2938

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    Dr Jim Meehan in response to the cover up of vaccine-induced infant deaths and the bogus CDC study so often referred to by governments and the media to try to show no association between vaccines and autism;

    "As a physician and former editor of a medical journal, I don't believe that either the increased rate of infant mortality or the racial disparity are medical mysteries. I certainly don't believe the bogus excuses provided by the Atlanta health department. They even used SIDS, a trashcan diagnosis used to hide vaccine-induced death, as an explanation?! The only people they are fooling are the uneducated and unaware. Unfortunately, that's most of America.

    The evidence provided by the independent research sources points to vaccines as a probable cause. The problem is that not enough people are aware of the real science because it gets buried by the bought-and-paid-for fraudulent research commissioned by a multi-billion dollar vaccine industry. Industry-sponsored pseudoscience is being used to indoctrinate healthcare workers, mislead the public, and provide a smokescreen that obscures a most likely primary cause: vaccines. If they aren't a primary cause they are a synergistic participant. Either way, they MUST be considered and we MUST stop believing the parroted lie, "the science is settled."

    The science is never settled.

    Stop giving newborns so many vaccines with neurotoxic ingredients and watch the infant mortality rate plummet and the racial disparity decrease. Giving newborns, especially preterm babies, a completely ridiculous and unnecessary vaccine for hepatitis B on the first day of life is a tragic part of this tragedy. 250 micrograms of Merck's "special" adjuvant, "amorphous ALUMINUM hydroxyphosphate sulfate," is a dangerous ingredient for too many kids, especially when that kid is a tiny preemie. We've got to stop pretending that the aluminum and other toxic ingredients in vaccines are safe.

    The "too many, too toxic, too soon" vaccine program concocted by the financially biased and highly interest-conflicted members of the ACIP, a CDC subcommittee, isn't about health. It's about wealth, the wealth of the pharmaceutical industry masters that so many of them serve.

    Everyone that has been paying attention understands at least a portion of why there is such an extreme racial disparity in the number of African American babies dying. The CDC and whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson, all know that their research published in 2004 found a dramatically increased incidence of autism in African American children vaccinated with Merck's MMR vaccine. The truth was so inconvenient to the study group lead by Frank Destefano, that they met in secret, conspired to manipulate the data, disregard study protocols, destroy evidence, and publish a fraudulent journal article that to this day has not been retracted. We only know this truth because Dr. William Thompson, CDC lead scientist and the studies statistician, came forward with the truth in 2014. Out of his "guilt and shame," Dr. Thompson became the #CDCwhistleblower and exposed the fraud and corruption at the CDC.

    Whether you believe that vaccines are the cause of this problem or not, you should demand the possibility be seriously considered. In fact, all of science, medicine, and the government should consider the question seriously enough that they demand real, transparent, and unbiased consideration of the matter. We must all demand they test it with real scientific methodologies. Real science uses real placebo controls, not #Fakecebo controls designed to mislead. We need clinical research in which the health outcomes of VACCINATED VS. UNVACCINATED populations are compared.

    The science being used to support vaccine science and safety is NOT real science. If more people realized how much scientific fraud and corruption has been perpetrated by the vaccine industry and their servants, (most doctors, almost every pediatrician, Poul Thorsen, Vaerstraten, DeStefano, Boyle, Gerberding, et al), they would be as irate, intolerant, and incredulous as am I.

    The facts of the matter are that America's infant mortality rate (IMR) is a national tragedy. American has the worst IMR among all developed nations. We are worse than many third world countries. We are also the most vaccinated country in the world. Regression analysis confirms that a country's IMR is directly related to its rate of vaccination. It's not a medical mystery." – Jim Meehan, MD.
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