Myth of Jesus, page-899

  1. 1,530 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10
    simple answer for you
    jesus said to the cripple
    your sins are forgiven pick up your mat and walk
    that is the same problem as the pharasies had
    they also questioned who is this man who says he can forgive sin
    you ve got it
    this man was also god

    now whereu
    yes i agree that was a very stupid statement
    that we allow god into our lives
    i hope this post will correct and clarify
    in my last post

    you will see that for many years i turned away from god
    and god let me go and do what i wanted
    in his anger
    in his love he allowed me to make one mistake after another
    that was my free will
    i chose to do that
    but time and time again through all that wickedness
    i knew by his grace
    he was calling me
    it is then i started to respond
    very slowly to start untill
    i came into a relationship with him
    through faith and trust in the lord jesus christ
    knowing that he came and died for me
    took all my sin
    and makes me rightous through him
    no works saved only by grace
    now to all those who think they or any christian
    can say i have a get out of hell card think again
    paul goes on to say ch 12
    brothers in view of gods mercies
    offer your bodies as a living sacrafice to god
    be humble dont chase after worldly things
    be transformed by the renewing of your minds
    so that you can test and approve what gods will is
    this is where works begin that matters to god
    since our minds are renewed
    we no longer chase after to to do
    to try and earn our way into gods grace--
    which is never going to happen and angers and insults god--
    we do things that god wants us to do
    whether it be to teach others
    help other people in a whole array of things
    the poor the sick the lonely the widows the hungry the disadvantaged and so on
    because now god has transformed our minds to help us think like him
    and to do what he would want us to do
    and this is where we boast in the love and grace and mercies of the only god
    nothing of ourselves its all done by him
    Last edited by u812: 03/05/18
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