which one next, page-8

  1. 356 Posts.

    Three days of trading inactivity coming up so here is a little mussing, a little down the track here's the current situation

    Still hold CVN but gave back a lot of profit in the recent irrational seloff, Still very firm prospects and producing capabilities of 4000 bop which at 50c seems very undervalued, expect good recovery

    ADX sold out 29.5c on a firm trading rule that once a share falls below its placement price (30) get out immediatelly if the support isn't there any more.
    The fact remains that they produce nothing and got a little to expensive for me @ 35c for a non producer.
    Still suffered from the recent panick and may well recover

    COE I am free holding so no worries there.

    Today bought SUR simply on the CVN conection with a very high probability of good oil discoveries .. a sub 10c stock at the moment.

    Still have a little cash left (thank you COE)So come on guys .. looking for a 10 bagger a year (give or take) down the track ... want a sub 10c stock THAT has a very high probability of success ... not just a maybe penny dreadful but 1 with definite prospects.

    Is there such a thing... will reserch any suggestions ..lots of time next 3 days

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