Half the Australian businesses that got a tax cut have banked the cash Half the Australian businesse, page-60

  1. 30,323 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1836
    Well a business has legal personality, which is similar to the concept of person. This is the foundation of the ability of incorporated businesses to limit their liabilities and take risks.

    (I am thinking, and I have a background in law and governance. I'm relying on different information.)

    I agree without business there wouldn't be money. But it's not the only thing that drives money. (Legal certainty and public confidence is another. But this risks diverging into paper money debates which are complex and I may agree with some of your views there...but I want to stick to the topic.)

    None of it makes the interests of individual businesses more important than any other interests overall.

    Why? There is a common good which businesses will benefit from. As I described previously.

    Also your tracing taxation is confusing. There is consolidated revenue from taxation from the federal government, and this gets earmarked for different purposes and projects in the federal Budget. Some of which are within States and Territories jurisdiction and are delivered as grants.

    Some of this is used as political leverage, as in the fight right now between Victoria and the Federal government.

    Then you have state revenues. These are levied differently to the Commonwealth and strictly speaking aren't taxation. I can't go into the differences here, it's complex.

    But the basic principle is business is not sacrosanct. It has to recognise it's part of a greater whole.

    Some of the business people I spoke with recently think the Federal government is on a hiding to nowhere with the way that expenditure has been run down, and they don't want the tax cuts. Nope! These are very smart business people and they seem to think they can work with Chris Bowen. I must say, I was surprised to hear it. But these are people who understand there are synergies with government and business.

    So no, I cannot agree that taxation is theft. It's reinvestment for the greater good of all (including business).
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