Guidance note 12? Seriously, this is kiddies stuff.
Guess what - a guidance note is a guidance note. The Corporations Act is legislation. Hoping I do not have to explain the difference of those two things to you!
And if you read guidance note 12 it refers to "listing rules" as I did in my earlier post. And just for the benefit of others;
"... a whole raft of situations" - that's a very nice way (Alice in Wonderland type nice) to describe the legal role of the ASX within the context of the Corps Act - very technical indeed.
Not much need for ASIC in your world really?
Ok let's get back to my earlier point.
I do not know and I am merely speculating but my money is on these guys and disclosure issues.
The ASX and a "whole raft of situations" - please!
And to the other poster who asked me what I was accusing QBL of now - for your information asking questions is not making accusations - fairly simple English!