careys life in tatters, page-44

  1. 3,704 Posts.
    When these guys are on top their arrogance is indescribable.

    When the game needs them they are pampered, protected and treated like royalty.

    When the game doesn't need them anymore they don't twig that they can't act like teenage thugs anymore, they don't realise that no one is going to protect them now that they are of no use to anyone.

    But still they continue to act as if they are important and then are astonished when they find that the laws which apply to the average bloke also apply to them.

    The culture of football clubs is a social sickness but I am not naive enough to think it will change soon. The only solution I see is for the AFL to have hard-as-iron rule that all clubs must abide by. If you play up it doesn't matter who you are, you forfeit all rights to play professional football.

    If you do that then they won't have all those years of being trained to be tools, they will learn to watch their step just like everyone else. When they get to retirement their good behaviour will be automatic.
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