sweet drinks and gout... be very careful., page-11

  1. 47,086 Posts.
    Zyloprim is a brand of the daily, for life medication. That's not as bad as it sounds, I've read up on it and there seem to be no known nasty side effects. My brother swears by it, I'm not so sure. (It's hereditary, comes from your Mum, I believe.)

    If you have an attack stop the Zyloprim and hit yourself with a double dose of Non Steroidal Anti-inflammatories. There are dozens of these but urge your Doc to prescribe the newest of them. I use Mobic. NASIDs are also used for arthritis and other inflammatory diseases in which case they are often taken long term and that damages your stomach. Once you've had gout a few times you recognise the pain early, thats when a strong dose can stop it, so the total amount taken is still small.

    Do NOT stop eating "in case you might eat something which makes it worse". Starving yourself can prompt an attack. I've found chips OK.

    40 year old men should be alert to a small sprain or injury which gets worse instead of better especially the right, big toe (don't laugh!). The extra blood which goes to the injury deposits the microscopic crystals mentioned above. You will need someone to help you get to the Docs, you will be in such pain.
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