
  1. 1,340 Posts.
    Internet forums are strange beasts indeed.

    We see all types here and perhaps that's what makes it interesting, certainly never dull.

    I think it would be fair to say that I have seen just about every thing one could think of. Greed, fear, anger, pride, etc etc. The list is never ending almost.

    Here on Hot Copper, I have seen ramps, and people putting down a stock in the hope of driving down the price as to re-enter at the lower price on the market.

    I have seen personal attacks and just about every other form of abuse one could imagine.

    Sad really.

    T4P for instance, on the cvi forum has copped just about everything one could imagine.

    I have taken it upon myself to come to his aid when I felt it justified.

    His spelling does leave something to be desired, {he would be the first to admit it I am sure} but in the interests of fairness, not to mention double standard, I have never corrected or attempted to correct him.

    To do so would really be a cheap shot.

    I am reminded of a case not so long ago when my supervisior sent me an email wherein she stated that my "spelling and grammer {sic} is appauling! Yes...she spelt grammar "er" not "ar".

    Oh dear. I wrote back to her, thanking her for bringing to my attension, and reminded her that grammar is spelt "ar" not "er".

    Well, next time I saw her, she didn't know where to look.

    When I showed her email to others, it caused such a re-action in the office, that she could not look me in the eye for weeks.

    Oh dear oh dear!

    Correct spelling, is something to aim for imo, but certainly not a cardinal sin when one transgresses on an internet site.

    I for one will refrain having a shot at anyone based on their spelling.

    Don't know however if my English teacher would agree with me.

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