Note4_&2_Any, page-121

  1. 41,275 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 48
    Fret not @ris4rob
    Go for the potential cream,,,and spec on the curds,,,
    So much information,,, focus on the needed by the world,,,

    The rest is DayTrdeing inane dross, LT's give more in %'s than DT's with less risk.


    Know ya like fud,,,,and it would be unfair to leave ya hanging,,,,

    Here is ones secret ( no more ) but as am old,,perhaps some may find some joy,
    Some may ask? Oh @mandp one thinks ya bestest may like this one,,its not realish

    What are Black Currant Pickles...?

    Not in stores...

    Store stuff got boring,,,,


    Whats needed,

    1. Time care,and lots of compost,
    2. Black currants,Gossebrries,and Rasberries,
    3.Fresh Ginger,
    4. Biird netting,,(to get crop) ,,,Options feed birds with lots of bread,and scarps as bribes,
    They will eat all the sap sucking bugs in gratitude,
    5. Malt and Cider Vinegar,
    6, Honey, salt, cloves, nutmeg,and star anis.
    7. Jars( hermatic)


    1A,, pick in ratio of 7/2/1 7kg BC/3kg GB/ 1kg RB ( adjust w/w to ya plot)
    1B,. Big pot,,, pick all fesh,,put in pot, cover with rain water,
    2A,. Add ginger over night, ( 1% w/w)
    5A Boil 60/40 % Malt/Cider vinegar with 100g/200ml of sugar per solution,
    6A Steralise jars,,, Add whole cloves,,ground nutmeg,and whole star anis to jar? add 2 Tables spoons honey to each jar,
    7A,,seive berries, Distirbute to jars,,,adding giner on top,
    7B,. Cover with Simmering!!!!!!!! Not Boiling (5a) and seal tight,,, try to wait at leat a month,,,then go have a party in ya mouth.

    H2O rehardens,, fruit H2O vol... Ginger acts as 1st stage preservative, Acetic acid as second, sugar,as renforcer of cellular walls, during cooling,,(less soggy sheets),,
    The rest is just flavour,,and the honey is a great anibiotic if not boiled...

    PS they need pruning,,,, but its worth it,, Gosseberries are cantacerous

    Its very basic stuff...
    Have a go,,, Oh and love whatever patch of dirt ya got,,,egg shells, old bones,,,spud peals,
    rotton tommities,,, those bits of stuff out of jars( wrinse em and add,, old lawn clippings,bits of weeds, ( NEVER EVER ASH FROM A FIRE,,,,THATS ANOTHER STORY),,,,
    aND IF YA FIND a widdle worm,,, pick it up,,,and stick it in,,,the multiply, while ya shlumer,,,
    and i a few months,,,,what once stank,,is what costs $45/5kg bag and ya got it for nicks)

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Big smoke ring emojie Ta Ta 4 now
    Last edited by NoBoDe: 24/05/18
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