You are correct except for URW shares. You will get 5000 x 0.01844 x 20 URW Shares. URW is a CDI at 20 to 1. i.e. 20 URW shares will be worth 1 full share. At today's prices each URW CDI will be worth about $14.51 (UL=193.30, AUDEUR = 0.6472).
You will get $13350 cash (13350 / 0.75848 = AU$17600.99) and 1840 WFD CDI's worth about AU$26698.40. You will be short changed 4 CDI's as they round the full share down after multiplying your holding by 0.01844. Then they multiply by 20. The 0.2 of a full share is sold on market with all the other people in this situation and then you get 0.2 * one full share in cash (about $58).