Is the Bible True?, page-481

  1. 3,979 Posts.
    I don't doubt what you say but my point was, that as far as I can tell ruling theocracies came about via power grabs, or power vacuums, regardless of their historical success or otherwise. All theocracies are man made and are not and have never been a necessary part of any religion. They are cabals and completely human constructs.

    They are not defined in any Scripture as a desired state or an essential outcome of a religious expression, in fact quiet the opposite, generally because the ruling classes were corrupt, or at least on a par with the corruption of the religious class.

    The only instance that I can recall in which church and state has been somewhat sanctioned by any Scripture to come together in a non-specific way is in the prophecy stating that, the government shall be upon his shoulder. To my knowledge this is a first and will coincide with the emergence of a globalist religion.
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