Myth of Jesus, page-1303

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    Let Him who has an ear Hear!

    Oh,....Tonio, your so, so desperately trying to come up with, invent ways so you can hold onto the Seed that HAS BEEN set in your mind.
    AND, do you know what Tonio, I know full well about that subject, firsthand as I was once the same, and it IS extremly hard to just stand back and temporarily neutralize ones mind long enough to let either Jesus or God show you "their" truth.

    When I first began the study in this area, my passion, which effectively became an obsession, I was desperately trying to prove the trinity as NO bugger was going to steal my God from me, HOW DARE they?

    So in the end as I seriously couldn't find the trinity, I had to come before God through Jesus in embarrassment, ashamed and say, I'm sorry but I just don't understand and my gut is telling me, your not a mystery, it just can't be as where referred to as children over 800 times in the Bible.
    So I asked for their help for me to just temporarily put aside the seeds that I had set, and show me "their" truth, not mine but theirs and to give me some of their wisdom, knowledge and understanding etc.
    Prior to asking, because of what Jesus says and passages, my mind WAS, it WILL be DONE and "I" was NOT going to stop until it was DONE, so I stopped work and boy, did I cop some flack for doing so, as we were not really in a position to do so.

    Pretty much all the cases where Jesus healed, He said, because you have believed (faith) was what made you well (words to that effect). So NO ONE was going to Dare tell me, it would NOT be done.
    DO NOT approach this subject, like the waves of the ocean.
    YOU "WILL" effectively be going to WAR, believe you me and if you don't prepare before hand, you will be knocked OFF, the following;

    I don't like writing about "the" me, as it's not about me and I'm only doing so, in the hope, that "maybe" the penny might drop?
    I can "assure" You, I'm on "THE ROCK" NO question about it, many things I don't cover, as I never here of them?

    A little of Blue "just" for you, so hopefully, you will come to know, that "which" is TRUE!
    And I will quote a little of the likes of what our friend in Jesus SAID = Unless you become like "one of" these little children, you WILL NOT enter the Kingdom of God = The Holy Spirit.
    So You NEED to put aside "your" seeds, the he said's and she said's and come to know the He said's from Jesus who was carrying The Word of Life "of" Our Almighty God and Father of Lights, who IS Light, the True Light John 1:9. (1 John 1:5 & James 1:17).

    For one, the people in the verse your referring to, they were in the Spirit so to speak = God's Spirit, just as the Spirit of God would come to some and then they would prophesy and then we also need to understand the spirit of Jesus context as it's not referring to "a" literal existing spirit in their time, but future.

    The eventual coming of a future one, was known by these people, so they were keeping their eyes and ears open for any signs that may indicate this. Just as "we" do, for the return of Jesus.
    So in that context and "only" that context, is the meaning of, the spirit of Jesus was in them.
    "We" should be doing the same NOW, the spirit of Jesus in us, is in the context of our mind, representing ALL that Jesus is and represents.
    If you and I were close friends, we effectively (not literal) would have the spirit of each other in us.
    Two become One flesh, Adam and Eve.

    Following is an example and one could say, the spirit of this one to be, was in God.
    Remember, Jesus was slain before the world literally exist with God.

    Jer 1:5 - Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

    Greek - John 17:5
    1. Now glorify me you, Father, with yourself, with the glory which I had before the world, existed with you.
    Now Tonio and I say the following as a friend in Jesus;
    With His help and the Comforter (God, His Spirit, The Holy Spirit), there is "much" in this 17:5 verse here.

    Glory = IN The Almighty God and Father WORD.
    "We" are to see the Glory IN His Word as to what it is and means for US - Future context.
    1 John 3:2 - Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
    Are we going to be God's?

    Jesus was "OUR" example, what we are to become, but His Flesh that rose, was of the Heavenly, Spiritual (not spirit).
    Hence he had to "be" as man and Man caused the problem and Man had to fix it.
    He only Literally began at Mary, spirit as of mans, but of heavenly, not of dust.
    Yet "he" did not sin, why,...because he had and relied of the Almighty God and Father, Hence God was beholden to raise him (Acts).

    Glory - "WE" NEED to grasp that God's word is The Glory AND "this" Glory/WORD starts within you, Part of your creation, plan, thoughts as in;
    Eph 3:9 - (Spirit of Jesus context) - And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things; > (Neh 9:6 Almighty God and Father "alone" created).

    Rev 3:14 - And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; (Mind and plans of God).
    Rev 13:8 - And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

    Greek - Col 1:15 - who is the image of the God the invisible, the firstborn of all creation; because in him were created the things all things, in the heavens, and upon the earth; the visible, and the invisible; whether thrones, or lordships, or rulers, or authorities: the things all things because of, for the sake of him and for him have been created.

    That my friend, is the spirit of Jesus referred to, in the mind and plans of our Almighty God and Father and, and THE GLORY that Jesus is "asking" for in John 17:5 "BUT NOW" with yourself, in the literal context, as per the plan, glory (your inner Word/Plan), "that" existed with, within you, "when" the world "existed" with You "alone"!!!
    You see Tonio, the angel of light has caught "many" like "they" could "never" of imagined.
    "That" has been my passion, to find out, How and Where!!!
    AND,........Oh Boy,....their are some "very" sneaking traps, that most wouldn't know, even if they fell over them.

    So Tonio, "if" your serious about finding "their" truth, I'm happy to guide you as to how you "need" to prepare yourself, as believe you "me", you will "need" to know, as you effectively,... WILL BE going to war.
    You NEED to be able to SPOT the other light, in an INSTANT, otherwise you WILL topple.
    REMEMBER, God's Word IS Spirit, testing the Spirit IS testing Words, from Whence "they" come and DON'T move OFF "that" ROCK, no matter what!!!
    And then, Grasp, NEED NO ONE other than our Two above to help YOU, not even me. (TAKE 3 OUT of The Thy Mind).
    But trust ME, it will taste "like" honey BUT, very bitter once the reality HITS HOME!!!

    Your clearing OUT the Temple as per Jesus Did. What is IN your Temple, setting themselves to be god?

    So Tonio, "WE" pass on the Following Glory "as of" a song new, BUT "THE" Original;
    WORD is all "we" have;

    John 17 – Greek
    1 – Father, has come the hour, glorify (Word) your Son, that the Son might glorify (Word) you.

    4 – I you glorified (The Word of God) on the earth, the work having being completed, that you have given me that I should do. (Bring the words of eternal life).

    5 – Now glorify me you, Father, with yourself, with the glory which I had before the world, existed with you. (Glory had, inner Word, mind and plan).
    6 – I revealed your name >(WORD) to the men you have given me out of the world. Yours they were, and to me them you gave, and the word of you they have kept.

    8 – For the words which you have given me, I have given them, and they took, and new truly that from you I came out; and they believe you me sent.

    (OUT = Down from, proceeded forth, out from, down from as per the conception at Mary and as per the rain comes down Isa 55:8 onward's).
    (SENT = After Baptism where he received life in Himself just as the God & Father John 1:4 has.
    Received Spirit/Word of Life without measure - Word IS Spirit).

    10 - and I have been glorified in them………….(They received the Word of God, IN them).
    11 - ……Father Holy, keep them in the name of you, which you have given me, (word) that they might be one, as we.
    Name of You = WORD!
    Given me = WORD!

    12 – When I was with them, I was keeping them in the name of you, which you have given me.
    Name of you = WORD!

    13 – Now however to you I am coming; and these things I speak in the world, that they the joy the my fulfilled with them.
    Joy = Word of God, the plan/inner, within them of becoming Son's & Daughters = GLORY.
    14 - I have given them the word of you,……….
    16 - Of the world not they are, as I am not of the world.
    17 – Sanctify them by the truth; the word your truth is.

    18 – As you sent me into the world, I also sent them into the world.
    Sent = After Baptism, Jesus was now raised, taught "of" God, as Moses was told and likewise, after Jesus had trained, taught them, so he sent them "into" the world, as I am doing now.

    22 - And the Glory which you have given me, I have given them, that they might be one, as "we" one:
    Glory given me = The Word = The Word of God which Jesus gave them.

    23 - I in them, and you in me, that they be perfected into unity, that might know the world that me you sent, and love them even as me you loved.
    (In them, in me = The Word = The Word of God).

    26 - And I made known to them the name of you, and will make known, that the love with which you love me, in them might be, and I in them.
    (Name of you = WORD > The Word > The Word of God!)
    I AM Word the Beginning and the ending saith THE ALMIGHTY LORD GOD & FATHER.
    Which is, which was and which is to become - to be ALL "in" ALL.

    And what better and simpler way can you do that other than = Spirit/Word/LIGHT = CHILDREN.

    WE ARE THE "IMAGE" OF - "ACCEPT" there is good & evil word at Present within !!!

    Hebrew Gen 1:1 Beginning created God Word (et = Alaph Tav) > Heavens and Earth. (7 words = His Seal). (Word not created mate, Tis God).
    Psa 33:6 - By the word of the LORD were the heavens made and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth > Spirit.

    The Word of God is Living and active as He is Living.
    HIS WORD "IS" Spirit THE HOLY SPIRIT = There IS BUT ONE SPIRIT = Jesus is NOT that ONE SPIRIT = HE CAN'T be The Word and Neither is He The Word of God = "NAME ONLY" as "THAT" is the meaning, what the name represents = The Role for which God gave him to FINISH the God Almighty Fathers works.

    And "NO" man knew his name Rev 19:12 and it "appears" "most" still don't, or what it means and IS saying???

    Our Almighty God and Father of Lights, IS;
    Spirit He IS = The Holy Spirit, ONE SPIRIT.
    The Word > The Word of God and there is but ONE WORD = SPIRIT/WORD are ONE as in One Apple.
    The Almighty God and Father IS Light, the true light John 1:9 & 1 John 1:5.

    The Almighty God and Father = SPIRIT/WORD/LIGHT.
    His NAME = WORD.

    Our Lord Jesus Christ, Man of Heavenly, not of dust, now exalted to a God, but not The Almighty God and Father.
    In the Mind and plans of The Almighty was, a Son to be, announcement was made, Son of God to Begotten Son to now a Begotten God, who has now seen the Father, when He went to him.

    Given a name above ours, angels etc = The Word of God as is is God's Word of Life that He brought into the world.
    Jesus WAS the Temple not built with Hands = Emmanuel as God/SPIRIT/Word dwelt in Him.
    The fullness of God dwelt in Him.
    Jesus is the Express Image as all that he expressed out of him, was The Almighty God and Father, Hence Jesus could say, "If" you have seen me, You have seen the Father = SPIRIT/WORD/LIGHT.

    So there you go little Children, the SIMPLE message was right IN out Faces, under our nose, WORD, However;

    2 Cor 11:3-4 - But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
    For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.

    Remove you idol god holy spirit immediately, among the many other things because;
    Rev 3:3 - Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.

    From what I gather, until right near the end (return) pretty much the "whole" world is adrift, a new but old message will be told, they will hear, they will see, but not able to understand.
    What I'm showing is not off the net or man, from the bit of checking I have recently done on the net, I'm not seeing it, so if you hear it from elsewhere, I would be interested.
    Believe you me, You WILL be hearing it at some point?

    YOU are called in God's Name = Word!!!
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