Is the Bible True?, page-541

  1. 4,508 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 783
    "Whatever took place, none of the option eliminates or adds God into the mix."

    I agree.

    IMO, our concepts about the universe are likely to always fall short of what the reality of the universe actually is.
    The evidence so far is that this point of view may prove to be correct.

    There are limits to our comprehension and powers of explanation that may be well exceeded by reality.

    Interestingly enough the teachings of Buddha, as I understand them, addresses this point.

    One idea conveyed is that there is no such thing as "the beginning" or "end" of the universe...these are just concepts we try to make the universe fit into, and the universe cannot be made to conform to our ideas about it, and our concepts are just concepts
    we create to try and make heads or tails of what we are able to see. But our ideas will never give a complete explanation.

    "The universe has no beginning or end, so forget discussing that, and focus on something important, like the fact that you are not going to live forever and are going to be in a big panic when you croak."

    Interestingly, Buddhism itself does not have a core position on whether an over-arching God exists or just does not discuss of the issue, although in certain sects of it talk of gods, demi-gods, various deities, spirits, demons and so forth; the amount of this tends to vary, depending on the location of the sect, and what the religious tendencies of the surrounding societies were. So there are lots of deities in India and Tibet, less in China or Japan.

    Buddhism teaches that there is nothing permanent in the universe, and that no human is immortal.
    This point of view seems to be correct and would be supported by science.

    The focus of Buddhism is on individual perception of the world and the personal behavior of the practitioner.
    It considers discussion and debate over politics, cosmology, evolution, and the proper form of government to be a complete waste of time, as it has nothing to do with how to achieve spiritual awakening or how to deal with life and death in this world and the real problems each individual must face...old age, sicknesss, suffering, and death; and the folly of actions created by greed, lust, foolishness, hatred, ignorance, anger, and all the rest.

    Not trying to convert anybody to anything. It's just that the discussions here touch on religion, morals, values, God, and so on;
    and Buddhism is a major religion which has ideas of value to consider, most of which do not contradict the other great traditions with respect to their principles of proper conduct.
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