Is the Bible True?, page-563

  1. 3,979 Posts.
    You've seen the value of evidence.

    There are people who despite the millions of man-hours of toil and research and the many millions of pieces of evidence that produce a tapestry of life on this planet over several billion years, they read a passage from the Bible, interpret it in some distorted, childlike way and then dismiss science without breaking a sweat, hundreds of years of grafting for understanding wasted on them.

    I am not one of them.

    I think you as saying, who created God? If you are then you can't seem to grasp the point that there must be a starting point or an absolute from which reality is unfolded. There must be a preexistent God, an uncreated, unchanging state of God. We too must be preexistent but we are subject to change. Everything other than God is subject to change. There is no hard evidence for this and never will be. It's a leap of faith. I know this word is subject to derision, and dictionary meanings, but I'm sorry to say that it is an essential part of life.

    In trying to make sense of existance we can understand its physical attributes via science. The rest is the province of religion and philosophy. You either get it or you don't. Nobody can ever offer you a key to spiritual insight. I'm sure you can't imagine that it might exist. If you wait for the evidence you require then your waiting will be eternal, because the evidence is meant to be subtle, God is a non-testable hypotheses. It is fundamentally outside the purview and provability of science. It's a switch in you, a light. When the light goes on you just know, not in any details, because we know nothing about God, but we know that such a reality exists and we are connected to it in some small way.

    I have made copious attempts at trying to fire in you some kind of deeper insight than this constant request for empirical evidence. We think and feel and express ourselves in ways that are outside of pure physical reality. If we can evolve from a sub-cellular organism to do this then consciousness is highly likely to be preexistent, why then is it so hard to imagine that a field of pure consciousness can't exist outside of having to be attached to matter.

    This is a site that is specifically set up to discuss the great thoughts and thinkers of humanity and the unknowable nature of God, humans and the implications of the various religions in their quest to make sense of pure abstraction. Pure abstraction is outside of science and therefore, evidence.
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