child abuse epidemic in white australia, page-78

  1. 25,520 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    Ground,there are a number of doubts I have about this supposed study of child abuse in OZ (apart from that applicable to the indigenous community) that states that 'abused children abuse their children'.

    Whilst it may occur in some families with chronic problems of alcohol abuse, drug abuse etc (this largely explains the problem within the indigenous communities) I fail to comprehend why a person who is abused as a child would, in turn, abuse his/her children.

    As I have stated in another post that, before I accept the accuracy of this research, it must outline its defininition of 'child abuse'. It can vary from country to country. In some countries a female can be a bride at 13 years of age.This would be considered child abuse in Western society. Is slapping a child for misbehaviour considered child abuse? I don't believe so. etc etc.

    From families that I know it is definitely very very difficult to accept the proclamation that child abuse is rife in OZ.

    This post in no way is meant to be an apologist for people who are guilty of abusing children but let's not start a witchunt or,at least, not until we ascertain the facts.
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