ACN 0.00% 28.5¢ acer energy limited

developing stage

  1. 112 Posts.
    this was just announced:
    Innamincka Petroleum is pleased to advise the executive appointment of Martin Spiby as Chief
    Engineer whose initial focus will be the establishment of the Flax Oil Project.
    Mr Spiby is a reservoir engineer with over 25 years of industry experience gained amongst some of the
    world’s major operating companies. He holds a Master of Science degree in Petroleum Exploration
    Studies from the University of Aberdeen and a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology and Physics
    from the University of Aston and has recently worked with Oil Search Ltd and Santos Ltd in
    management of their PNG and SE Asian production assets.
    Innamincka Chairman Adam Johnson said “Mr Spiby’s extensive industry experience will be invaluable
    as the company develops its Cooper Basin oil and gas assets. Innamincka has had enviable success
    with its oil and gas exploration, is in the process of becoming a significant onshore producer and will
    benefit greatly from Martin’s reservoir development background and his “day to day” operational
    experience in the management of oil and gas fields”.
    Innamincka Petroleum is currently drilling Flax 6, the second well in its 2008 program as part of the Flax
    EOR project.
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