The Truth About Vaccines, page-3223

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    The adjuvants in vaccines cause a systemic immune reaction which is the ONLY way to get vaccines to produce enough antibodies deemed to be effective by vaccine manufacturers (but never tested to be protective against ANY infectious disease).

    These adjuvants cause a reaction within the body that is indiscriminate towards the body's own cells. This causes short term immune responses (fever, encephalitis, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures etc) or more commonly long term autoimmune responses (asthma, eczema, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, Reynard’s, persistent rashes such as psoriasis, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, cancer etc etc). Autoimmune disorders and diseases are massively on the rise in children that have been vaccinated with an ever increasing vaccine schedule. In fact, many autoimmune diseases didn't even exist until mass vaccination was introduced.

    Children are more likely to be at risk of an autoimmune disease or disorder today than ANY other health issue. Children are more likely to die from measles and other infectious diseases if they have an autoimmune issue.

    Mass vaccination has - and increasingly does - cause far more harm than good. These are the facts that vested interests of vaccination ignore, attack or censor from the public.

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