Will the EU’s article 13 affect sites like HC?

  1. 4,825 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 925
    The proposed ‘article 13’ currently being considered by the EU will, to my limited understanding, place a cost on the sharing & use of internet links.

    Some are pointing out that it is a defacto form of censorship by way of any cost being applied would make using the Internet and the links that people provide and share a less accessible activity to those of us with less money than others.

    I don’t think this is a topic that only users or managers/owners of sites should speak about separately as it has the potential to affect both groups.

    I for one think that the open sharing and dissemination con information that the internet has provided for the last decade or two has only helped to bring the citizens of each nation closer together- closer to the realisation that we aren’t all that different at the end of the day and overall that such a thing has been good for the world.

    Conversely I can also appreciate that those with things to hide, those who seek to withhold information & knowledge from others will have been negatively affected by that open sharing of information, opinion & conversation.

    As such, a pushback by those with something to hide or something they think needs protecting, as in their position as gatekeepers of information & the profits that flow from that was inevitable.

    Remember that one of the world’s most powerful groups got a start by their knowing the outcome of the battle of Waterloo before their fellow sharemarket traders did- knowledge is power.

    Power creates or is based on wealth. It seems the wealthy are getting tired of we peasants having the power to know more of what is going in, in a useful timeframe.

    This is a good site. I do not agree with all of the actions by those above me but overall it has been, for me at least, an interesting platform on which to learn from others & attempt- ever so feebly- to contribute my own thoughts on various topics.

    Therefore I think it would not be a bad thing for both site user and manager? to have a good discussion on this ‘article 13’.

    Censorship via putting a price on what was free yesterday in the EU today, the same for the rest of the world we peasants inhabit tomorrow? ( just think of how many interesting things we each can learn from the many links we are presented with by fellow users each day- if those suddenly disappeared, would sites like this still be as appealing? Any loss of appeal must surely affect the bottom line when considering the value of such an entity as this... ergo my appeal to those who put up with we users to contribute their thoughts on this. ).

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