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  1. 10,034 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 17
    Your assumption - I am defending capitalism. Definitely NOT! Capitalism has its bad sides. What I HAVE done is to question your theory that a communist world state with no borders is the answer to wars, refugees etc.

    Your assumption - Australia is a pure capitalist state. I regard Medicare and public education as socialist policies. By the way I am for them. Please note Australia accepts a considerable number of genuine refugees.

    Your assumption - the workers will unite and overthrow all world governments and erase all borders. You seem to assume that this will be done without cataclysmic wars. I personally cannot see leaders like Putin and Chairman Xi allowing this to happen without using their massive armed forces.

    Your assumption - home and business owners will GLADLY give up their property to create this paradise. Oh really?

    Your assumption - that all the economic refugees will return home. Why are young Nigerian men trying to get to Europe? I'd like to live in Paris too but the winters are a bit cold.

    Your assumption - the Iranians or the French or the Saudis or the Israelis or the Brazilians or the Japanese etc will be thrilled to have their cultures and economies destroyed. I don't think so. And the Pope and mullahs may object too.

    Your assumption - after this communist La La Land is easily created, then it will run like clockwork FOREVER. Are you an anarchist? Or do you see a world dictator arising to tell all the happy plebs what to do? Doesn't sound anywhere like a democracy to me.

    Your assumption - the USSR (the Russian Empire) was not the communism state you advocate because it had borders. All I can say is that when it finally died, its citizens (those who survived the KGB and the gulags) were not doing well at all. One reason is that there was NO INCENTIVE to take responsibility or improve things.

    Sharp - you post on a "capitalist" site but do not seem to comment on any shares. You fiercely defend your world vision and there is NOTHING that I can say that will change your mind.

    You say "we need hope or a timeline or something". Personally I think that there are too many people in the world. By the end of the century there are expected to be 4 billion people in Africa (now something over 1 billion). Many more wild animals will be extinct.

    I believe that a mandatory contraceptive programme should be organised in that continent immediately. Of course the outcry if it were even proposed, would be deafening.

    It's a lovely day here. I am going for a walk in the sun. I suggest you do the same.


    PS This is my last post on the subject.
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