God to send delusions, page-27

  1. 8,407 Posts.
    Interpretation of so called prophecies, especially after the time, is problematic.
    It is said that a key aspect for the survival and progress of humans is the ability to perceive and notice patterns.
    Surely nowhere is this more apparent than the pastime of Biblical prophecy interpretation !

    For example, the symbol of Persia is not the Sun but the Sun and Lion .. so where is the Lion in Revelations ?
    Likewise Islam may be mistakenly associated by some Christians with a Lunar God but the symbol of Crescent and Star dates way before Islam and was used by the Ottoman Empire. It is not even accepted as Islamic by many Muslims. So again where is the Star in Revs ?
    I couldn't find any confirmation that a 3rd of Muhammad's immediate family were murdered. Plenty were murdered, but who qualifies as a member and who were the 2/3rds others ?

    For Christians, 1844 was a date calculated by some over enthusiastic evangelical chap using the 2300 year "rule".
    The fact that 1844 corresponds with the AH date of 1260 means what ?

    The Bab may have begun preaching in 1844 precisely because it corresponded to AH 1260 .. who knows ? However he did not found Baha'i and was not the Messiah. Also Baha'ullah did not come as per the second coming depicted in the Bible and did not found his religion until well after 1844.
    It was later Bahai's who being aware of the significance for Abrahamic religions of these signs and prophecies who wove them into their narrative.

    Not to mention the other multiple different interpretations of Revelations .. all of which prove without doubt some other scenario and players.
    It's all about finding patterns that correspond with a desired outcome, whilst bypassing those that don't.

    Anyway according to wotsup we will find out in a few months !

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