Catholic Church above the law?, page-8

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    "THE South Australian Catholic Church will not adhere to a change in law requiring priests to report confessions of child sex abuse, the Acting Archbishop of Adelaide says.

    Under the new law, set to take effect in October, priests who hear confessions about child abuse will have a legal obligation to report the matter to police. “Politicians can change the law, but we can’t change the nature of the confessional, which is a sacred encounter between a penitent and someone seeking forgiveness and a priest representing Christ,” Bishop Greg O’Kelly told ABC Radio Adelaide on Friday. “It doesn’t affect us,” he said.
    “We have an understanding of the seal of confession that is in the area of the sacred.”"

    Unbelievable!? as this is absolutely pathetic/disgraceful etc. The Bible mentions to "be aware of false religion & it's proclamations" as it will soon be undone/brought to an end. The hierarchy of the church will (in time) pay for it's sins/covering up's etc. for all to see what they are really about. See for more information.
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