saddam’s lessons to the islamo-nazis & fullguy, page-4

  1. 1,565 Posts.
    Snooker my friend, much as amory agrees with everything you say, but your conclusion << Otherwise, I predict that the Arab/Muslim world we know today.... >> is a case of wishful thinking. long before what you expect to happen, does, there will occur a god-almighty upheaval of unimaginable proportions, plunging the world back into medieval darkness. their pathetic jew-baiting is only stage one of their plans. remember if you were then around, how Hitler managed to calm world opinion in his day. he hated the jews, he hated the bolsheviks. well, didn't everyone? so why interfere, he might even rid us of them & save the rest of us the trouble. that is how he was able to gain as much ground as he did, occupying territory, building up a war machine. by the time he showed his true intentions - blitzkrieg in poland, invasion of russia etc - it was too late.

    except that this time around, the muslims hate the jews & the entire west, in the forefront the good old USA. in a way amory finds this reassuring. at least the US will not be able wait till other countries bleed to death, they had their pearl harbor in 2001. we may not know it yet, but they do. forget about the finer nuances of headscarves in schools, human rights on guantamo bay.....

    there's a war on!!

    ~/. .\~

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