God to send delusions, page-184

  1. 27,807 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    "People have been studying for more than two years.

    Do you not think the I have considered that one, over and over numerous times and considered the fact that, was it in fact me that's caught up in the delusions.

    But do you know what the problem is = most even though they have studied for years, most have just accepted the lie, misreading of John's opener and then read the Bible with that mindset, and effectively distort the meanings of many other areas, to fit with the firs key error."

    Others make the same accusations against you. The game of one-upmanship does not lead to enlightenment.

    "The sad part of all this, it has become clear, people just cannot see past what's been impregnated in their head.
    It's seriously like they have had a spell placed on them and I'm NOT kidding, I have seen too many rejections on very simplistic verses.

    So it would seem, the power or whatever, has been grossly under estimated, and I mean grossly."

    The sad part is that you are all falling into the same trap.
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